Green Tea - Gunpowder

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"Get caffeinated - 40 mg caffeine per cup."
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Product Description:
Gunpowder Green Tea (Green Tea - Camellia sinesis) is a potent tea with 40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl. oz. serving. It is good choice for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammation properties. Black Tea is different from Green Tea with its fermentation and oxidation processes. Its potent, and the leaves are scientifically and carefully rolled, and resembles a green tea extract.
Product Details:
Green Tea - Gunpowder (4 oz.)
Add one (1) tablespoon to a teabag or put in tea infuser and place in your mug. Pour in 8 fl. oz. of boiling water. Steep for 2-3 minutes. You can buy teabags or a tea infuser in Accessories.
Green Tea
Don't drink more than seven (7) cups per day.
Supplement Facts:
Contents contain: 4 oz.
Makes 50 cups.
Green tea at $.31 cents per cup.
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Page last modified: 09-17-2024 10:13:48 AM